Dear Cyber-Righters, Some of you may remember an article called "Magna Carta Analyzed", which contributed to the formation of the cyber-rights list. At the request of the Information Society, I've rewritten it for their publication. Since it deals with many of the core issues discussed on this list, I'll post the article in installments, over the next several days. You may recognize some of the first installment from an excerpt posted earlier. Sorry for the minor duplication. Cheers, Richard @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INSTALLMENT 1/N @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************** This article may be posted in entirety for non-commercial use. ******************************** To appear in: INFORMATION SOCIETY, Vol 12(2) Edited by: Mark Poster <•••@••.•••> See WWW: ******************************** Cyberspace Inc and the Robber Baron Age, an analysis of PFF's "Magna Carta" Copyright 1995 by Information Society Richard K. Moore August 19, 1995 Reference: Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age Release 1.2 // August 22, 1994 The manifesto "Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age", published by the Progress and Freedom Foundation (PFF), is a document of considerable significance. Its very title reveals much about its intent. Its promoters -- both alleged and concealed -- are indicative of its propagandistic mission. Its contents have accurately prophesied the legislative agenda and rhetoric which have unfolded subsequent to the manifesto's publication. Given the powerful telecommunications interests behind PFF -- and the close ties of that organization to Speaker Newt Gingrich -- a detailed analysis of the manifesto can provide insight into what may (unfortunately) be the most likely scenario for the future of cyberspace. * * * The title invites direct comparison with the original Magna Carta, which is defined in The Cassell Concise English Dictionary as follows: Magna Carta - The Great Charter of English liberties, sealed by King John on 15 June, 1215 With due respect to Cassell's, this is a misleading definition. The Magna Carta did not grant liberties generally to "the English", but rather devolved powers and privileges exclusively to an elite aristocracy. As shall be shown in this article, PFF's "Magna Carta" is similarly misleading: much of its rhetoric seems to imply a concern with individual liberties, but its substance would devolve power and privilege exclusively to the biggest corporate players in the telecommunications industry. Just as the Magna Carta supported the power of the Nobles -- with each to have autocratic power in his own domain -- so PFF's manifesto supports the power of communications monopolies -- with each to have unregulated control over its own cyberspace fiefdom. Rather than being a charter of liberties, the manifesto promotes a regime of robber barons in cyberspace. Instead of an infrastructure for public communications -- like the current Internet, or the American highway system -- cyberspace would be developed as a corporate owned monopoly -- priced at whatever the traffic will bear. Instead of providing a "space" in which citizens are free to speak and associate (like Internet), cyberspace would become a profit-machine and propaganda channel for media conglomerates. PFF's manifesto is a formula for neo-feudalism in the "Knowledge Age" -- it is a charter for what could aptly be dubbed "Cyberspace Inc". * * * The ultimate promoters of the manifesto are concealed. Its introduction claims: This statement represents the cumulative wisdom and innovation of many dozens of people. It is based primarily on the thoughts of four 'co-authors': Ms. Esther Dyson; Mr. George Gilder; Dr. George Keyworth; and Dr. Alvin Toffler. This release 1.2 has the final 'imprimatur' of no one. The implication would seem to be that enlightened individuals spontaneously composed the manifesto, in the interests, presumably, of progress and freedom. The true authorship is uncertain. According to Mark Stahlman of New Media Associates, a scheduled speaker at an upcoming PFF conference: The 'author' of this rambling camel-of-a-report is Frank Gregorsky. He's a journalist working for PFF who does their newsletter. None of the listed contributors actually did any work directly on the document. That's why it's simply *not* coherent. [posted to •••@••.••• on Sun, 5 Feb 1995] The "coherence" of the manifesto will be discussed in some detail below. As for the authorship, it would appear that PFF itself must be considered the source of the manifesto. PFF turns out to be a typical industry-front organization. Characterized by Mr. Stahlman as "Newt's 'think tank'", PFF is funded by a panoply of corporate sponsors. The February 6, 1995 issue of The Nation carries an article by David Corn, entitled "CyberNewt". Here's an excerpt; There is nothing particularly futuristic about the funding sources behind the P.F.F. and its conference. Telecommunications firms subsidize the group: AT&T, BellSouth, Turner Broadcasting System, Cox Cable Communications. Other donors to the P.F.F.'s $1.9 million bank account include conservative foundations, Wired magazine, high-tech firms, military contractors, and drug companies (another foundation passion is attacking the Food and Drug Administration). When Senator Phil Gramm spoke at the [PFF] conference luncheon, the tables closest to the podium were reserved for corporate benefactors: Eli Lilly, Seagram's, Phillip Morris, S.B.C. Communications (formerly Southwestern Bell) ... Brock N. Meeks published an article in Inter@ctive Week, dated April 28, 1995, entitled "Freedom Foundation Faces Scrutiny". These brief excerpts from the article outline Mr. Meeks' understanding of how PFF funds are used, and how it seeks to hide its link to Mr. Gingrich: ...Among I@W's findings: * PFF spent $483,000 to underwrite a college course taught by Gingrich. ... * PFF spent $148,000 to underwrite The Progress Report, Gingrich's weekly cable talk show carried on his own National Empowerment Television. ... The PFF links to Gingrich and his own political action committee, called GOPAC, have drawn the interest of the Ethics Committee and the IRS, which is "reevaluating" PFF's nonprofit status, according to an IRS source. The PFF link to Gingrich's rising political currency has proved lucrative. From March 1993 to March 1994 the group raised $611,000. During the remainder of 1994, when it became clear that the Republicans stood a good chance to capture both the House and the Senate for the first time in 40 years, an additional $1.07 million poured into PFF coffers, according to its financial records. ... The latest PFF tax returns do not make any link to GOPAC or Gingrich. Any such linking would violate IRS tax exemption rules. However, Eisenach is on record acknowledging that he did the basic groundwork of setting up PFF while running GOPAC. The money trail apparently goes from media/telecommunications conglomerates, to PFF, and finally to Mr. Gingrich's projects, which seem to be heavily focused on propaganda ventures. Small wonder that PFF's manifesto, and Mr. Gingrich's legislative agenda, promote excessive deregulation of the telecommunications industry, and pave the way for monopolistic control. Evidently the Lords of Cyberspace Inc are to include the likes of AT&T, BellSouth, Turner Broadcasting System, and Cox Cable Communications. Mr. Gingrich's famous pledges to "empower the individual" and "provide laptops for ghetto dwellers" should be seen for what they are: a shallow populist veneer covering a corporate-pandering agenda. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INSTALLMENT 2/N to follow @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland CyberRights Co-leader | Cyberlib= ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~