Here's the second installment. Sorry for about the bad line breaks in installment one. Cheers, Richard @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INSTALLMENT 2/N @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ******************************** This article may be posted in entirety for non-commercial use. ******************************** To appear in: INFORMATION SOCIETY, Vol 12(2) Edited by: Mark Poster <•••@••.•••> See WWW: ******************************** Cyberspace Inc and the Robber Baron Age, an analysis of PFF's "Magna Carta" Copyright 1995 by Information Society Richard K. Moore August 19, 1995 (cont.) The text of PFF's manifesto is an artful piece of propaganda. Clouded in cyber-jargon, illogical in its flow of argument, and disjoint in its presentation -- it does superficially appear to be a "rambling camel-of-a- report", as Mr. Stahlman observes. But beneath the deceptive rhetoric -- if one digs patiently -- there can indeed be found a coherent set of proposals for the commercial exploitation of cyberspace. The rhetoric is grandiose. It talks about the original American experience, characterized as daring pioneers conquering a new land -- based on the principles of individual initiative and freedom. Cyberspace is described as a similar frontier, and a rallying cry is raised to reaffirm freedom for the individual -- especially from government control. The preservation of the American heritage itself, the manifesto argues, hangs in the balance: freedom for the individual in cyberspace must be protected! But the manifesto makes no mention whatever of protections for _individual_ freedoms. There's no discussion, for example, of guaranteeing freedom of expression or of protecting privacy. In addition, there's no discussion of preserving the viability of Internet mailing lists and bulletin boards -- which have proven to be cyberspace's equivalent of "freedom of association" and "freedom of the press". What the manifesto does discuss -- at great length -- is the protection of freedoms for _telecommunications & media conglomerates_: freedom to form monopolies, freedom to set arbitrary price rates and structures, freedom to control content, and freedom from fair taxation, through special accounting procedures. This is a formula which harks back to the robber-baron capitalism of the late nineteenth century, when railroad, oil, and steel monopolies ran roughshod over America's economy and political system. Hence the rhetoric of PFF's manifesto is aimed at accomplishing a clear propaganda mission. It aims to stir up sentiment for freedom of the individual, and then to deftly shift the ground under the manifesto's audience. The pro-freedom sentiment is subtly transferred from the _individual_ to the _corporation_, not explicitly, but by deceptive turns of phrase. "The corporation" is subtly equated to the "the individual", so that "deregulation of conglomerates" _seems_ to be synonymous with "freedom for the individual". Implementation of the manifesto's agenda would not lead to individual freedom at all. It would lead to subjugation of the individual by corporate media monopolies. The right to access services, the price of the services, the definition of what services would be provided, the content of "news" and entertainment -- these would all be decided entirely by media conglomerates, based on their business interests and political agendas. Neither individuals nor their elected representatives would have any say over how cyberspace is to be developed or used, under PFF's charter for Cyberspace Inc. Most of the remainder of this article is devoted to examining representative excerpts of the manifesto text, in order to substantiate and illustrate the summary analysis above. At the end there's a brief discussion of the relationship between the manifesto and the current legislative agenda in Washington. * * * In its Preamble, the manifesto sets forth its grandiose characterization of cyberspace as the next frontier of the American Dream: What our 20th-century countrymen came to think of as the "American dream," and what resonant thinkers referred to as "the promise of American life" or "the American Idea," emerged from the turmoil of 19th-century industrialization. Now it's our turn: The knowledge revolution, and the Third Wave of historical change it powers, summon us to renew the dream and enhance the promise. In the first section, "The Nature of Cyberspace", the emphasis on cyberspace as a delivery media for information products is introduced: Cyberspace is the land of knowledge, and the exploration of that land can be a civilization's truest, highest calling. The opportunity is now before us to empower every person to pursue that calling in his or her own way. As is typical throughout the manifesto, the substance is hidden within fluff rhetoric. The operative phrases in this paragraph, confirmed by the rest of the manifesto, are "land of knowledge" and "exploration". Cyberspace is to be primarily a source of "knowledge" -- meaning commercial media products -- and the role of the _consumer_ will be to "explore" it -- meaning to navigate the purchasing options. This first section also introduces the theme that government is inconsistent with cyberspace pioneering: [Cyberspace] spells the death of the central institutional paradigm of modern life, the bureaucratic organization. (Governments, including the American government, are the last great redoubt of bureaucratic power on the face of the planet, and for them the coming change will be profound and probably traumatic.) As you might expect, nowhere does the manifesto acknowledge that Internet was established due to government initiative and sponsorship. And interestingly enough, the word "Internet" occurs only twice in the manifesto, and the Internet precedent is seldom cited as a source of models for how cyberspace might evolve. Also, the authors are evidently blind to the possibility that _corporations_ might be "redoubts bureaucratic power". The next section, "The Nature and Ownership of Property", introduces a number of complex topics regarding ownership of hardware infrastructure, intellectual property, and the electromagnetic spectrum. This section also introduces the issue of pricing regulation, and touches on preferential taxation. The main propaganda theme, intentionally confusing the individual with corporations, is introduced at this point: At the level of first principles, should ownership be public (i.e. government) or private (i.e. individuals)? The hook is set here, favoring private over government ownership -- in the name of the individual. But in all that follows, it is the corporation that is granted privileges, not the individual. As part of the same deceptive dichotomy, "public/government" is everywhere equated to central bureaucracy, with no acknowledgement that any kind of regulation could ever be useful, nor that any kind of public agency, even if highly decentralized, could possibly be beneficial. And there is no hint that individuals might ever need to be protected from corporations, or that government might play some role in such protection. The ownership of hardware infrastructure is mentioned, but not discussed. It is patently obvious, evidently, to both the authors and the presumed readers, that this level of infrastructure is to be privately owned. State operated telecommunications systems are so far beyond the pale as to be unimaginable. Again the precedent of Internet (until very recently supported by a public backbone network) is conspicuously absent from the manifesto. The discussion of intellectual property is interesting, and appears to have some merit. Patents and copyrights are described as being a "public good" approach to intellectual property, outdated and cumbersome in the age of cyberspace: Third Wave customized knowledge is by nature a private good. The manifesto's favored approach to intellectual property is described in a quotation from John Perry Barlow: "One existing model for the future conveyance of intellectual property is real-time performance... In these instances, commercial exchange will be more like ticket sales to a continuous show... The other model, of course, is service... Who needs copyright when you're on a retainer?" Apparently the model is that authors would sell their services or their rights to a commercial distributor, who would then charge the consumer on a "pay per view" basis. Dealing with copyrights in electronic media has indeed proven to be a thorny problem. Journalists have complained about not being remunerated by electronic republishing services; rap musicians have allegedly "sampled" previous material without payment; copyrighted articles are forwarded around Internet on a free basis. New mechanisms are needed, and the private sector _is_ likely to be a creative source of solutions, such as metering technologies. This model makes no mention of royalties. Many authors would prefer royalties, based on distributor revenues, rather than being forced to sell their services or works on a fixed-price basis. This is a time-honored practice in pre-electronic media, and a fully accountable and enforceable royalty scheme would be a desirable part of any cyberspace solution for intellectual property. With regard to ownership of the electromagnetic spectrum, ominous questions are raised, but a specific agenda is not developed. Existing channel auctioning practices are criticized as being too limiting. Perhaps PFF's corporate backers are seeking outright permanent ownership of this presumably public resource: ...Is the very limited 'bundle of rights' sold in those auctions really property, or more in the nature of a use permit -- the right to use a part of the spectrum for a limited time, for limited purposes?... Thus far, the manifesto has "established" that private ownership of infrastructure, intellectual property, and the electromagnetic spectrum should be strengthened and extended, with the root justification hanging on the thin thread of deception equating corporation with individual. Next, the specter of evil regulation is raised: Regulation, especially price regulation, of this property can be tantamount to confiscation, as America's cable operators recently learned when the Federal government imposed price limits on them... there is no disagreeing with the proposition that one's ownership of a good is less meaningful when the government can step in, at will, and dramatically reduce its value. Thus the manifesto proposes that every aspect of cyberspace is to be corporate owned, and that no price regulation should be imposed. If adequate measures were taken to insure healthy competition, this formula _might_ serve the public welfare. But the monopoly proposals, to be discussed further on, make this a dangerous formula indeed. Note above the use of the phrase "one's ownership", reinforcing the confusion of individual and corporate identity. Notice also, there was no discussion of the consumer complaints that led to the regulation, nor of the immense profits that the cable operators continue to reap subsequent to the "confiscation". (cont.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INSTALLMENT 3/N to follow @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland CyberRights Co-leader | Cyberlib= ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~