cr> German activity re/CServe cave-in


Richard Moore

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 1996
Sender: Arun Mehta <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Solidarity with compuserved Germans

I received the enclosed from Franz Wegener, who is one of a few Germans
fighting the Compuserve nonsense -- very imaginatively, I might add. He
would like some international solidarity, so could people fax him,
preferably on an important-looking letterhead?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 09 Jan 96 11:30:11 EST
From: Franz Wegener <•••@••.•••>
To: Arun Mehta <•••@••.•••>

Franz Wegener
Heinrichstr. 25
45964 Gladbeck
Tel. 02043-22197
Fax 02043-21776
e-mail: •••@••.•••

Translated by:
David W. Fenton
New York University

This letter advises the media that the writers
of the letters have filed charges against the German Post Office for
transporting child porn, by analogy with the actions of the justice
officials who investigated CompuServe. The first letter explains that for
journalists, while the second is the one sent to the legal authorities
registering the complaint.

It seems very level-headed and quite clever.

I hope one our German friends will correct any of my errors.

Filed charges against the German Post Office for transporting child porn


Franz Wegener                                                   Gladbeck,
Ratsherr der Fraktion Buendnis 90/Gruene Gladbeck
Heinrichstr. 25
45964 Gladbeck
Tel. 02043/22197
FAX 02043/21776
e-mail: •••@••.•••

Stefan Laurin
Ratsherr der Fraktion Buendnis 90/Gruene Gladbeck
Horster Str. 108
45964 Gladbeck
Tel. 02043/72422
FAX 02043/21776
e-mail: •••@••.•••

Eva-Maria Stuckel
Vorsitzende des Kulturfoerdervereins Ruhrgebiet e.V.
Grabenstr. 43
45964 Gladbeck
Tel. 02043/29067
FAX 02043/21776

An die Presse
- Medienressort -

To newspapers

Re: Worldwide Censure of 200 Internet Discussion Groups on the ground of
German official pressure.
Specifically: Charges against the German Post Office for the distribution
of child pornography

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is one of the most crucial subjects of the next Decade, freedom or
censorship of the Internet. In November 1995, the Bavarian criminal police
investigators visited the place of business of the American online service
Compuserve in Munich. After two weeks of media reports with the completely
untenable message "CompuServe=Pornographie" the Company caved in and
blocked access to 200 Internet discussion groups, groups in which
pornographic material from private individuals was also offered. The
online provider has no influence whatsoever on the contents of these
groups. They act only like the Post Office, which provides the
distribution and delivery, but does not shape the contents itself. Usenet
groups of the international Gay and Lesbian community also fell victim to
the censorship of groups. That one single pornographic photo in any
particular discussion group suffices as an occasion for censorship brings
the whole freedom of the Internet into question. Because of the democratic
structure of the Net, any individual can post whatever content in such a
group, even if it is concerned, for example, only with medical subjects.
Meanwhile, in the USA there are understandable beginnings of a broad
boycott movement against German institutions and products because the
decision of the German authorities led to a worldwide blockage of the
broader parts of the Internet for four million Compuserve customers.

Fundamentally, this subject comes down to the question of how online
services will be treated legally, now and in the future: can they be held
accountable, like television stations, for the contents they transport, or
are they like the Post Office, not responsible for that which flows
through their channels? This question, which has been discussed in the USA
for several months, has already been answered in Germany by the Bavarian
criminal police authorities in cooperation with the
Bundesjustizministerim.  In the German Federal Republic, these clear
warnings of the Bundesjustizministerium can be taken to mean that
proprieters of online services and establishments which offer access to
the internet are answerable for illegal content. German criminal
prosecution authorities "can prevent German business concerns from making
access to forbidden material possible," according to Ministeriumssprecher
Boehm (ap of Jan. 3-4, 1996).

We appeal to the German Justice Ministry to judge online services and
Internet service providers legally equivalent to the Post Office and the
telephone company and not like television broadcasters, which can be held
responsible for their contents. It would be absurd to prohibit mail
correspondence on the grounds that right radicals send letter bombs by
this method! In order to dramatize the problem, we have today filed legal
charges against the German Post Office because of the distribution of
child pornography.

>Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>Franz Wegener - Eva-Maria Stuckel - Stefan Laurin


Franz Wegener                                                   Gladbeck,
Stefan Laurin
Eva-Maria Stuckel

An die
Staatsanwaltschaft Essen
Zweigertstr. 34-36
Tel. 0201-8030
Fax 0201-8032920

45317 ESSEN

Anzeige gegen die deutsche Post
Notice against the German Post Office

Dear ladies and Gentlemen,

>>From various media reports it has been long known that several
Scandinavian mail-order establishiments have distributed child pornography
through the mail. The Bundesjustizministerium declares that proprieters of
online services and establishments which offer Internet access can be held
answerable for illegal contents. German criminal prosecution authorities
"can prevent German business concerns from making access to forbidden
material possible," according to Ministeriumssprecher Boehm (Taz
--Tageszeitung of Jan. 3-4, 1996). But in this respect,
the German Post Office also offends [in its role] as a distributer of
illegal contents -- even if they (like the online services) have no
influence on the contents of the letters and packages with video cassettes
they transport -- we register with this letter a charge against the Post
Office on account of the distribution of child pornography. We hope that
the Staatsanwaltschaft therefore takes care that the distribution of child
pornography will be immediately stopped.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Franz Wegener, Stefan Laurin, Eva-Maria Stuckel

Arun Mehta, B-69 Lajpat Nagar-I, New Delhi-24, India. Phone 6841172,6849103
•••@••.••• •••@••.••• •••@••.•••
"I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be
stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house
as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any."--Gandhi


 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.