Craig A. Johnson
List members,
The CPSR is considering joining the ACLU suit against the telecom
bill's "indecency" provisions.
In order to do that, though, we need to establish our standing to sue.
We could use help from all of you in identifying material which
appears to be "indecent" that has been sent to Cyber Rights. Or, feel
free to send messages containing "indecent" content in now. We do not
censor, so the choice is yours.
For the time being, I am the contact person between CPSR and the
ACLU. Before forwarding any material to the ACLU, I will strip
headers with names and addresses for privacy purposes.
But, in the meantime, please let me know if you recall or have sent in
any material in the past containing "indecent" content, such as "the
seven dirty words" or any text referring to "excretory or sexual
functions," etc.
Below is a note from CPSR Executive Director Audrie Krause.
Thanks for your help ... and send me all your "dirty" mail. :-)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 19:11:19 -0800
From: •••@••.••• (Audrie Krause)
Subject: Help defend free speech in cyberspace
CPSR Activists and Supporters,
I apologize for the duplicate postings. This needs an immediate
Ann Beeson, who is coordinating the ACLU's preparations for a lawsuit
challenging the internet censorship provisions of the telco bill which
Congress is about to pass, has indicated that CPSR may have materials
which qualify as "indecent" under the Communications Decency Act's
(CDA) definition. She said it is likely that language meeting the
definition is included in CPSR's list archives.
Would those of you who are familiar with CPSR's list archives send
ideas for items which might qualify to CPSR member Craig Johnson,
•••@••.•••, who has volunteered to serve as a contact between CPSR
and the ACLU in the event CPSR becomes a plaintiff in the ACLU's
lawsuit challenging censorship of cyberspace. Craig sent the
following information:
What the ACLU will need from CPSR:
(Excerpt from ACLU Memo)
Information We Need From You:
If you have no permanent online site but operate a listserv, you may
either allow us to subscribe to the listserv for a brief period of
time or send us copies of possibly "indecent" material that your group
previously exchanged online. If your organization uses e-mail to
exchange material that might be deemed "indecent," please provide us
with examples of material that your members have previously exchanged.
(For privacy purposes, you may strip the material of any identifying
headers or signatures.)
Audrie Krause CPSR Executive Director
PO Box 717 * Palo Alto, CA * 94302
Phone: (415) 322-3778 * Fax: (415) 322-4748
* * E-mail: •••@••.••• * *
* Web Page: http://www.cpsr.org/home.html *
For subscription info, archived postings/documents, and other useful
material, visit the CPSR Cyber-Rights Web Page at:
You are encouraged to forward and cross-post list traffic,
pursuant to any contained copyright & redistribution restrictions.