***************************Announcement********************************** ****PLEASE REPOST****PLEASE REPOST****PLEASE REPOST****PLEASE REPOST***** Now Available February, 1996 MacArthur Foundation Funded Project by the EPIE Institute Releases Major Report on Achieving Practical School and School/Home Networking "Creating Learning Communities: Practical, Universal Networking for Learning in Schools and Homes" -- A Report for School and Community Technology Planners and Policymakers (165 pages) [Not to be confused with Doug Schuler's new book, but hopefully complementary] P. Kenneth Komoski W. Curtiss Priest, Center for EPIE Institute Information, Technology & Society Project Director Associate Project Director Availability: We encourage people on the Internet to send for a paper copy. The report contains numerous figures and charts produced with Postscript tools and employs "dingbats" to highlight text. The entire report is 1,300K in size. While we find the Internet useful for distributing short documents, we believe a document of this size is best viewed on paper. We hope you won't consume copious amounts of time downloading and printing the document yourself. But for those of you with a Macintosh on something distinctly faster than a 2400 baud modem -- Available at cosn.org: (CoSN is the Consortium for School Networking) This file, a readme README 3K Sections 1-2, a Macintosh Word 4.0 file: EPIE-1-2 hqx 384K Sections 3-4, a Macintosh Word 4.0 file: EPIE-3-4 hqx 303K Section 5, a Macintosh Word 4.0 file: EPIE-5 hqx 180K Bibliography, a Macintosh Word 4.0 file: EPIE-B hqx 180K [These are in BinHex. BinHex is a utility on the Macintosh that takes a string of mailable characters and creates the actual Word file. A BinHex decoder is available from ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac or a similar site.] Available from EPIE: EPIE Institute, 103-3 W. Montauk Highway, Hampton Bays, NY 11946 Include check for $9 (includes shipping) Sections: 1. Achieving Practical Networking: "Do's, Don'ts, Maybe's and Lessons" Creating Practical Networks within Schools, in Local Communities (School-Home), and for Worldwide Connectivity 2. "Home is Where the Time is ... and the Payoff for Improving School Learning" Increasing the Quantity and Enhancing the Quality of At-home Learning and Improving Parent-Teacher-Student Communication via Equitable School-Home-Community Networking 3. K-12 Networking -- Models and Benefits "Do the Benefits Justify the Costs?" Modeling the Potential Impact of Networking on the Development of a Learning Community 4. An Achievable Vision Making Tomorrow Happen With Today's Technology Appendix A -- School-Home Computer Survey Form Appendix B -- Bibliography (670 references including 100's of URLs) Survey Results: Community Networks Reaching Out to Schools Practical Networking Suggestings from CoSN ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) Cyber-Rights: http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/ ftp://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/Library/ CyberJournal: (WWW or FTP) --> ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore Materials may be reposted in their _entirety_ for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~