cr> Bipartisan Members of Congress Promoting the Internet (fwd)


Sender: Don Bass <•••@••.•••>

        I would be interested in how some of you interpret the forming in 
this Caucus, andhow we might relate to it in furthering our cause in 
support of cyber rights?

Don Bass                    Dynamic Learning Consortium-
College of the Mainland
Texas City, Texas           Roundup For Great Teaching--
(409) 938 1211 X229

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 12:42:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael McPherson <•••@••.•••>
To: Michael McPherson <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Bipartisan Members of Congress Promoting the Internet


Editor: Michael McPherson

Social and Charitable Cause Marketing [ SCCM ] is a FREE
electronic magazine covering the issues of private industry 
sponsoring social and charitable causes. 

In addition to the monthly e-zine, SCCM provides perodic e-mail news on 
content pertinent to social & charitable cause marketing.


   From:      Congressional Internet Caucus <•••@••.•••>

     To:      Internet Community at-large

Subject:      Open letter from the Congressional Internet Caucus

Finally, there is something that both Democrats and Republicans can agree
on -- it is time to get Congress on-line for the 21st Century.

Over the past few years, the Internet has changed the way we communicate,
do business and educate our children. Millions of people log-on to the
Internet each day to send and receive information. And this new medium has
created thousands of new jobs in our nation's economy. 

As more and more people go on-line and as the Internet becomes a greater
part of our daily lives, new questions arise about how to deal with this
new medium. Members of Congress are having to make policy decisions on
Internet issues that will impact our future.

What role, if any, will the federal government have in developing the
Internet? How will Congress respond to Internet-related issues? From
encryption to indecency, copyright protection to universal service,
Congress will need to make prudent public policy decisions about a medium
that presents such enormous opportunities for all Americans.

Congress must not make these decisions without the full understanding of
and familiarity with the Internet.

The Internet will also transform Congress and the government. From
communicating with constituents to making government documents available
on-line, we need to move into the Information Age NOW.

Members of Congress need to use the Internet.

To solve some of these problems, we are forming the Internet Caucus: a
bipartisan, bicameral group of members with diverse viewpoints. What we
share is a mutual concern for promoting the Internet. We will not just
talk the talk. Caucus members will walk the walk into cyberspace by
signing a pledge to 1) educate themselves about the Internet, 2) get
on-line, 3) and educate other members about the Internet. 

The caucus will also serve as a clearinghouse of information for the
public and other offices about Internet related issues. With the
assistance of an advisory committee comprised of public interest groups,
industry, and respected experts on the Internet, members will discuss and
debate policy options. 

We look forward to getting your input on the many issues before Congress.
See you on-line!


Congressman Rick White

Senator Patrick Leahy

Congressman Rick Boucher

Senator Larry Pressler

Speaker Newt Gingrich

Congressman Jack Fields

Congressman Edward Markey

Congressman Mike Oxley

Congressman Christopher Cox

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Congressman Tom Campbell

Congressman Robert Walker

Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn

Congressman Vern Ehlers

Senator Slade Gorton

Senator Conrad Burns

Senator Ron Wyden

Congressman Sam Farr

Congressman Bill Luther


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