Here's a list some of you may find useful... -rkm --------------- Local Information Infrastructure (LII) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: Local Information Infrastructure (LII) is intended to encourage creative thinking to counter the Clinton/Gore Administration "hype" about National Information Infrastructure. It seeks to provide a critical look at federal grant programs - especially the NII grants of NTIA. It would like to ask people in the grant communities to report on whom they see benefiting. It encourages reporting success stories as well as horror stories for it would very much like to identify conditions that imply success. What then does it consider success? Certainly not the top down imposition of a new program controlled by the corporate "benefactor" behind the grant. We believe that national is a misnomer when applied to information infrastructure. Internet technologies especially can and should be sown and nurtured bottom up from the grass roots of each community. These projects should involve engines of economic development - under community ownership and control, not that of the corporate sponsor. We would hope that all such projects would start with wide spread community development from the very beginning. If they do not, we'd like to ask why. We want to see grant money empower the community and not be used to hook it on a new technology so that the corporate sponsor has the opportunity to extract as much wealth as possible for its bottom line and stock holders in far away states or nations. Do it right and call it local information infrastructure (LII). Hook enough LII's together and the local will become national - from the bottom up. Lets talk about the good, the bad and the ugly and send the technocrats a message about what works and what doesn't and why. --------------- To subscribe: To: •••@••.••• Subject: subscribe lii YOUR NAME