Sender: Coalition to stop net censorship <•••@••.•••> ======================================================================== CAMPAIGN TO STOP THE NET CENSORSHIP LEGISLATION IN CONGRESS (INCLUDING THE COMMUNICATIONS DECENCY ACT AND THE MGRS AMDT) Short Update: Negotiations continue; we're still in danger. What You Can Do Now: Call Telecomm conferees at their home offices over Thanksgiving recess! CAMPAIGN TO STOP THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL NET CENSORSHIP LEGISLATION Nov 20, 1995 PLEASE WIDELY REDISTRIBUTE THIS DOCUMENT WITH THIS BANNER INTACT REDISTRIBUTE ONLY UNTIL December 1, 1995 REPRODUCE THIS ALERT ONLY IN RELEVANT FORUMS ________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS The Latest News What You Can Do Now Legislative History List of Participating Organizations ________________________________________________________________________ THE LATEST NEWS Calls are coming into the offices of Gingrich and Dole at a good clip. However we believe the conferees are now debating the fate of the net. As the Conference Committee goes home for Thanksgiving recess, we need to keep the pressure on. Call Congress now and tell them that parental empowerment not government censorship is the only effective means to addressing childrens' access to objectionable content on the Internet. Don't wait. The stakes here are too high. Please look below at the list of legislators and call the home offices of the legislators in your state. Please do not call legislators at home. Please do not send email to them (it will not be effective). ________________________________________________________________________ WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW 1. Most of the proposals available to the conference committee will fundamentally restrict your speech on the Internet and other public networks. Look at the list below and call the legislators in your state and ask them not to censor the net. If none of them are in your state, call Gingrich and Dole at their home offices. If we cannot convince the conference committee to make the right choices at this juncture, we will have lost this campaign. To see which legislator is yours, consult the free ZIPPER service that matches Zip Codes to Congressional districts with about 85% accuracy at: URL: Or simply look at the list below organized by states. Home Office Name, Address, and Party Phone ======================== ============== Arkansas Rep. B. Lambert-Lincoln (D-AR) 501-972-4600 Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) 907-456-0261 Arizona Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) 602-952-2410 California Rep. Carlos Moorhead (R-CA) 818-247-8445 Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) 805-485-2300 Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA) 818-891-0543 Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) 415-323-2984 Colorado Rep. Pat. Schroeder (D-CO) 303-866-1230 Rep. Daniel Schaefer (R-CO) 303-762-8890 Florida Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) 904-351-8011 Georgia Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) 404-429-1776 Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) 404-565-6398 Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) 808-541-2542 Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) 312-224-6500 Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) 708-406-1114 Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) 708-832-5950 Rep. Michael Flanagan (R-IL) 312-276-6000 Indiana Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) 219-583-9819 Kansas Sen. Bob Dole (R-KS) 913-295-2745 Kentucky Sen. Wendell Ford (D-KY) 502-685-5158 Massachusetts Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA) 617-396-2900 Michigan Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) 313-846-1276 Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) 313-961-5670 Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) 601-762-5400 Montana Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) 406-252-0550 Nebraska Sen. Jim Exon (D-NE) 402-437-5591 New York Rep. Bill Paxon (R-NY) 716-634-2324 Rep. Daniel Frisa (R-NY) 516-872-9550 Ohio Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH) 419-423-3210 Rep. Martin Hoke (R-OH) 216-356-2010 Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) 216-934-5100 South Carolina Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC) 803-727-4525 South Dakota Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD) 605-226-7471 Tennessee Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) 615-896-1986 Texas Rep. Jack Fields (R-TX) 713-540-8000 Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) 817-543-1000 Rep. John Bryant (D-TX) 901-382-5811 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) 713-655-0050 Virginia Rep. Thomas Bliley (R-VA) 804-771-2809 Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) 703-628-1145 Rep. Robert Scott (D-VA) 804-380-1000 Rep. Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) 703-857-2672 Washington Rep. Rick White (R-WA) 206-640-0233 Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA) 206-553-0350 Wisconsin Rep. Scott Klug (R-WI) 608-257-9200 West Virginia Sen. J.D. Rockefeller (D-WV) 303-347-5372 If you're at a loss for words, try one of the following: Please oppose the unconstitutional proposals in the Telecomm Deregulation bill that would censor the Internet. The only effective way to address children's access to objectionable material on the Internet is through parental control tools not government censorship outlined by the Cox/White/Wyden approach. May I please have an appointment to come and talk with the legislator or someone on staff about these issues? or As a religious person and a parent, I oppose the unconstitutional Internet censorship language currently attached to the Telecomm Deregulation bill. I am the best person to monitor my child's access to the Internet using parental control tools as outlined in the Cox/White/Wyden approach. May I please have an appointment to come and talk with the legislator or someone on staff about these issues? or Although there is information on the Internet that I wouldn't allow my children to see, I don't agree with the proposals in the Telecomm Deregulation bill that would censor the Internet. As a parent, I have parental control tools, such as those encouraged in the Cox/White/Wyden approach available to me that are far more effective at controlling my children's access to the Internet than censorship laws will be. May I please have an appointment to come and talk with the legislator or someone on staff about these issues? Send mail to •••@••.••• and let us know how it went. $ Mail •••@••.••• Subject: phoned Congressman XXX They thanked me for my opinion and I'll be meeting with a staff member on Friday morning, and the legislator may drop in too! ^D Mail sent! 2. If one of the legislators above is yours, please make an appointment to see them or one of their staff in the home office as soon as possible to express your concerns about this legislation. As background information, you should ensure that you read the Internet Parental Control FAQ and the Communications Decency Act FAQ found at URL: Also, send mail to •••@••.••• and a coordinator will phone you before the meeting to give you some tips on running an effective meeting with a legislator or staff member. 3. If you run any sort of system that allows a welcome message for all users, please add the following: The Religious Right is attempting to shut down the net by passing legislation that would make services like this one liable for what you say and read on the Internet. Please call Congress now; for more info URL: or send mail to •••@••.••• with "send alert" in the subject line. (11/20/95) If you have a Web page that gets a lot of traffic, please add the following link: <a href=""> Stop the Religious Right from shutting down online free speech! (11/8/95)</a> 4. Join the online fight by becoming a volunteer for your district! If your legislator is in the list above, please send mail to •••@••.••• to volunteer to be a representative for your district. 5. We can't suggest relaxing at this point. The stakes are too high, and the risk is too great. Everything now hangs in the balance. ________________________________________________________________________ LEGISLATIVE HISTORY We are near the end of this year's campaign. Congress has passed four different bills, all aimed at regulating your communications on the Internet. They range from deregulation proposals that empower parents to control their children's access to the net (HR1978 "Cox/Wyden/White") to overly-regulatory proposals that "dumb down" the level of all Internet content to that which is acceptable to children. (the HR1555 Managers Amendment). You can see a synopsis of each of these in VTW's BillWatch #13 at URL: Were the conference committee to simply throw this all into the kettle and pass it all, it would be terrible. However, several groups considered to be part of the "Religious Right" urged the conference committee to pass an even more restrictive proposal which would: -Make internet providers, online services, and libraries criminally liable for expression online. -Create a standard for criminalizing "indecency" online, dumbing down every Web page, newsgroups, discussion forum, and chat system. -Give the FCC jurisdiction over speech in cyberspace and software that might be used to filter children's access to the net. This proposal was signed by representatives from the Christian Coalition, the Concerned Women of America, the American Family Association, Eagle Forum, the Traditional Values Coalition, and Morality in Media. For a full analysis of the Religious Right's proposal, and a copy of their proposed legislation and their letter to the Conference Committee, see the alert at URL: Alternatively, representatives from large and small businesses and public interest organizations recently sent letters to Congress asking them not censor the Internet. In addition, a collection of conservative groups that advocate restricting childrens' access to the Internet through parental control instead of government censorship recently sent a letter to Congress as well. Here's where to find them: The letter from large industry businesses can be found at: URL: The letter from small businesses can be found at: URL: The letter from the conservative groups can be found at: URL: The letter from the advocacy organizations can be obtained by sending mail to •••@••.••• with "organizations opposed to online censorship" in the subject line of your message. At this time, the conference committee is still debating the issue. Advocates of business and free speech are contacting Congress. ________________________________________________________________________ LIST OF PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS In order to use the net more effectively, several organizations have joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the Communications Decency Act. American Civil Liberties Union * American Communication Association * American Council for the Arts * Arts & Technology Society * Association of Alternative Newsweeklies * biancaTroll productions * Boston Coalition for Freedom of Expression * Californians Against Censorship Together * Center For Democracy And Technology * Centre for Democratic Communications * Center for Public Representation * Citizen's Voice - New Zealand * Cloud 9 Internet *Computer Communicators Association * Computel Network Services * Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility * Cross Connection * Cyber-Rights Campaign * CyberQueer Lounge * Dutch Digital Citizens' Movement * ECHO Communications Group, Inc. * Electronic Frontier Canada * Electronic Frontier Foundation * Electronic Frontier Foundation - Austin * Electronic Frontiers Australia * Electronic Frontiers Houston * Electronic Frontiers New Hampshire * Electronic Privacy Information Center * Feminists For Free Expression * First Amendment Teach-In * Florida Coalition Against Censorship * FranceCom, Inc. Web Advertising Services * Friendly Anti-Censorship Taskforce for Students * Hands Off! The Net * Inland Book Company * Inner Circle Technologies, Inc. * Inst. for Global Communications * Internet On-Ramp, Inc. * Internet Users Consortium * Joint Artists' and Music Promotions Political Action Committee * The Libertarian Party * Marijuana Policy Project * Metropolitan Data Networks Ltd. * MindVox * MN Grassroots Party * National Bicycle Greenway * National Campaign for Freedom of Expression * National Coalition Against Censorship * National Gay and Lesbian Task Force * National Public Telecomputing Network * National Writers Union * Oregon Coast RISC * Panix Public Access Internet * People for the American Way * Republican Liberty Caucus * Rock Out Censorship * Society for Electronic Access * The Thing International BBS Network * The WELL * Voters Telecommunications Watch (Note: All 'Electronic Frontier' organizations are independent entities, not EFF chapters or divisions.) ________________________________________________________________________ End Alert ======================================================================== ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages for non-commercial use, pursuant to any redistribution restrictions included in individual messages. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~