cr> GODWIN: “Why We Will Win”

1996-03-07 Craig A. Johnson I recommend Mike Godwin’s piece below as an antidote to those who are still confused as to what the lawsuit is about, why we are taking the stand we are, and yes, “why we will win.” How can reasonable people disagree with Mike’s last claim in this piece? “…anything legal in … Read more…

Re: cr> Backlash: ACTA petitions FCC on internet telephony

1996-03-07 Sender: •••@••.••• In a message dated 96-03-06 08:48:42 EST, you write: >Well, we knew this was coming. I think it lends more urgency ideas >such as Brock Meeks’ concept of a cyber users’ group. It is my >understanding that some in the FCC are bound and determined to >regulate the Internet. But they will … Read more…

cr> Book on community networking

1996-03-07 Introduction from moderator: Douglas Schuler is a member of the CPSR board and has done a lot to build community networks, particular in his home town of Seattle, Washington. Andy ———————————————————————- Sender: Douglas Schuler <•••@••.•••> Subject: Ink is dry. Complimentary copies available!! (thank you) PLEASE excuse this interruption. I hope you find this note … Read more…

cr> Usenet indexing (clipping)

1996-03-07 Sender: John Whiting <•••@••.•••> Do we know who else is doing this? ———- Forwarded Message ———- From: Larry or Lynn Tunstall, INTERNET:•••@••.••• TO: John Whiting, 100707,731 Hulda Nystrom, INTERNET:•••@••.••• Reed Derleth, INTERNET:•••@••.••• Paul Nordstrand at Edgewood, INTERNET:•••@••.••• Dinah Sanders, INTERNET:•••@••.••• Ken Bergman, INTERNET:•••@••.••• (unknown), INTERNET:•••@••.••• (unknown), INTERNET:•••@••.••• (unknown), INTERNET:•••@••.••• DATE: 06/03/96 18:10 RE: Usenet … Read more…

cr> Backlash: ACTA petitions FCC on internet telephony

1996-03-06 Craig A. Johnson Well, we knew this was coming. I think it lends more urgency ideas such as Brock Meeks’ concept of a cyber users’ group. It is my understanding that some in the FCC are bound and determined to regulate the Internet. But they will have to put out a Notice of Inquiry … Read more…

cr> Modem tax returns (revisited)

1996-03-06 Craig A. Johnson This message was sent to me by Brock. It illuminates some of the issues he has uncovered tracking this story. The situation seems to be rapidly developing, and anyone who wants to protect reasonable Net access rates ought to start getting on the stick and thinking about this. –caj @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: … Read more…

Re: cr> “Bomb” is at the bottom…

1996-03-06 Sender: “David Heck” <David.Heck> I think this is Mr. Freeh’s last gasp for relevancy after the numerous fiascos during his tenure….he lost his golden boy, the architect of some very embarrassing if not illegal operations, took his wrath out his agency, (ie: the sh*t rolled downhill), he lost considerable prestige and a perception of … Read more…

cr> Censorship

1996-03-06 Sender: Robert Cannon <•••@••.•••> Subject: cr> FCC and CDA: Rule Making Henry Huang, Cyber Rights, Craig Johnson, Audrie Krause: I don’t have time right now to read what you wrote (in response to my questions about CDA defenses). I just scanned it. My wife and I are scheduled to give birth tomorrow. But thanks! … Read more…

cr> Re: Communications laws-rules-regulations

1996-03-06 Sender: David Honig <•••@••.•••> At 04:09 AM 3/6/96 -0800, •••@••.••• wrote: >I have a (big) file at Dear M. Wooley: The following excerpt indicates a fallacy typical of left (incl. some elected types) thinking: w>The new technology makes the jobs, the only way competition w>has an effect is in taking power from stupid-evil … Read more…

cr> Encryption bill–one expert’s view

1996-03-06 —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– From: “B. Schneier” <•••@••.•••> Message-Id: <•••@••.•••> Subject: This is my support letter to Sen Leahy Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 09:30:35 +0000 (GMT) ************************************************************************* This is a temporary e-mail address; I am in Cambridge until 12 March. Continue to send mail to •••@••.•••; it forwards by itself. ************************************************************************* March 1, … Read more…