Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 11:22:14 -0400 Reply-To: •••@••.••• Sender: •••@••.••• Precedence: bulk From: •••@••.••• (Anthony E. Wright) To: Multiple recipients of list <•••@••.•••> Subject: CME/CFA Poll on Media Concentrations Mime-Version: 1.0 As mentioned in this week's Telecommunications Policy Roundtable (October 1995) meeting, here is the press release announcing the results of a CME/CFA press release on the concentration of ownership of media. The findings are directly relevant not only to the recent media mergers, but also to the telecommunications legislation pending in Congress. Please redistribute where appropiate. --- CFA and CME Release National Survey Showing Consumers Major Concerns About Superhighway Mergers and Deregulation For Immediate Release Contact: September 20, 1995 Bradley Stillman (CFA) (202) 387-6121 Jeffrey Chester (CME) (202) 628-2620 Washington, D.C. -- The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and the Center for Media Education (CME) today released the results from a nationwide survey indicating that a majority of consumers do not expect to benefit from the increased telephone, cable and media concentration which would be permitted under telecommunications legislation currently pending before Congress. "American consumers do not support the pro-merger provisions contained in the telecommunications bills before Congress," said Bradley Stillman, CFA's Telecommunications Policy Director. "The public recognizes that, contrary to the rhetoric from Congress and the monopolists, their bills are going to go up if this bill passes and these superhighway mergers are permitted," he continued. "It is also clear that the public recognizes the serious threat from widespread media concentration," added Jeffrey Chester, Executive Director of the Center for Media Education. "This survey also shows that very few consumers believe program quality or diversity would increase," he said. The survey, a national random sample of 1012 adults conducted during the period of August 17-20, asked respondents about their attitudes toward information superhighway mergers. The questions focused on whether mergers should be easier or harder; what they expected if these industries were deregulated; if mergers were permitted, what they believed would happen to prices; program quality; and diversity of news coverage and editorial voices. With respect to cable/telco mergers, 54% of respondents say they should be harder. For entertainment companies, it is 47%. For both segments of the industry only 34% believed mergers should be easier. The responses on the issue of what would happen to prices after a merger were even more significant. Only 12% of respondents believe local phone and cable rates would decline as a result of mergers. That figure falls to 7% for entertainment companies. In both cases, 50% of respondents believe that prices will increase as a direct result of telecommunications mergers. As with mergers, respondents do not see the price benefit promised by Congress from deregulation of the local telephone and cable companies. More consumers believe deregulation will hurt them then help them. When asked about greater local media concentration, only 12% of respondents believe it is a good policy to allow one entity to control multiple media outlets such as television stations, newspapers, and local cable and telephone companies. 55% believe such concentration is bad for the country. The respondents also believe such a policy would be a serious blow to program quality and diversity of news coverage and editorial opinion. "The American people recognize that the legislation, as currently drafted, represents a real threat to democracy," said CME's Chester. "The liberal merger policy currently being pursued by Congress virtually guarantees that the news, entertainment and information we all receive will be controlled by fewer and fewer corporate conglomerates." "These survey results indicate that the Congress is moving in the opposite direction from the American people," continued Stillman. "The public beyond the beltway shares the concerns of the Clinton Administration and we urge the President to stand firm on his veto threat," he concluded. * * * The Consumer Federation of America is a non-profit association of 240 pro-consumer groups, with a combined membership of 50 million, that was founded in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through advocacy and education. The Center for Media Education is a non-profit organization focusing on public interest media policy issues. -- Anthony E. Wright •••@••.••• Coordinator, Future of Media Project Center for Media Education ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by -- Andrew Oram -- •••@••.••• -- Cambridge, Mass., USA Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) World Wide Web: FTP: You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages and online materials, pursuant to any contained copyright & redistribution restrictions. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~