Conferee list for telecom bill [cr-95/11/13]


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SENATE  Leaders - Pressler & Hollings

                   with area code & prefix 202-224

                                     Telecommunication Industry       BILL
& Staff

Larry Pressler (R-SD)   5842            103,165 LEC & RBOCs             All

        Paddy Link, Donald McClelland, Katie King,  Chip Pickering

Ted Stevens (R-A)       3004    2354    23,000  LEC & RBOCs             All

        Earl Comstock

J.D. Rockefeller (D-WV) 6472    7665    14,500  LEC & RBOCs& LD         All

        Cheryl Bruner

Slade Gorton (R-WA)     3441    9393    10,000  LEC & RBOCs             All

        Sam Spina

Ernest Hollings (D-SC)  6121    4293    6,634   Cable & SatelliteTV     All

        David Rudd, Kevin Curtin, John Windhausen, Kevin Joseph

Conrad Burns (R-MT)     2644    8594    5,000   LECs & RBOCs            All

        Mark Baker

Trent Lott (R-MS)       6253    2262    2,500   Long Distance           All

        Chip Pickering

Daniel Inouye (D-HI)    3934    6747    1,000   Long Distance           All

        Margaret Cummisky

Wendell Ford (D-KY)     4343    0046    0                               All

        Martha Moloney

Jim Exon (D-NE)         4224    521     0                               All

        Christopher McLean

John McCain (R-AR)      2235    2862    0                               All

        Mark Buse

HOUSE   Bliley & Dingell - leaders

                area code & prefix 202-225

                                        Telecommunication Industry      BILL
COMMITTEE MEMBER        PHONE   FAX     PAC $   Main Contributor        TITLES
& Staff

Commerce Committee

Jack Fields (R-TX)      4901    2772    97,500  LEC & RBOCs             All

        Christy Strawman

Michael Oxley (R-OH)    2676    1160    8,300   LEC & RBOCs             All

        James Conzelman

Thomas Bliley (R-VA)    2815    0011    31,100  Long Distance           All

        James Derderian, Mike Regan, Cathy Reid, Harold
Furchtgott-Roth, Mike O'Reilly

Joe Barton (R-TX)       2002    3052    14,500  LEC & RBOCs     I,II,IV,V

        Tripp Davenport

Dennis Hastert (R-IL)   2976    0697    29,150  LEC & RBOCs     I,II,IV,V

        Leslie Dunlap

Scott Klug (R-WI)       2906    6942    13,414  LEC & RBOCs     I,III,IV,V,VI

        Patricia Browne

John Dingell (D-MI)     4071            26,450  LEC & RBOCs             All

        David Leach

Rick Boucher (D-VA)     3861    0442    24,500  Media & Enter.          All

        Michael Mandigo

Bobby Rush (D-IL)       4372    0333    5,000   LEC & RBOCs             All

        Bob Walsh

Anna Eshoo (D-CA)       8104    8890    3,500   LEC & RBOCs, LD         All

        Lance Scott

Edward Markey (D-MA)    2836    1716    0                               All

        Colin Crowell, David Moulton

Judiciary Committee

Henry Hyde (R-IL)       4561    1166    26,250  LEC & RBOCs             All

        Alan Coffey, Joseph Gibson, Diana Schacht

Carlos Moorhead (R-CA)  4176    1279    9,500   RBOC & Movies           All

        Leslie Adam

Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) 5431    9681    6,500   Cable & Satellite

        Elizabeth Wright Frazee

Steve Buyer (R-IN)      5037            3,000   LEC & RBOCs             All

        Myran Dugan

Michael Flanagan (R-IL) 4061    3128    5,550   LEC & RBOCs             All

        Donald Thorson

John Bryant (D-TX)      2811    2814    6,000   Long Distance           All

        Barbara Crapa

John Conyers (D-MI)     5126    0072    4,196   Movies                  All

        Perry Applebaum, Julian Epstein, Sherille Ismail, Melanie Sloan

Pat. Schroeder (D-CO)   4431    5842    0                               All

        Andrea Camp

Bill Paxon (R-NY)       5265    5910    18,600  LEC & RBOCs             I,III

        David Marventano

Bart Gordon (D-TN)      4231    6887    16,750  LEC & RBOCs             I

        John Hoel

Cliff Stearns (R-FL)    5744    3973    15,250  Cable & Satellite       I,III

B. Lambert-Lincoln (D-AK)4076    4654   13,750  LEC & RBOCs             I

        Elizabeth Hurley

Sherrod Brown (D-OH)    3401    2266    8,250   LEC & RBOCs             I

        Tracey Bauer

Daniel Frisa (R-NY)     5516    3187    38,000  LEC & RBOCs             I,II

        Patrick O'Sullivan

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)3816   3317    3,500   Long Distance           I

        Delbert Rigsby

Bob Barr (R-GA)                         2,500   LEC & RBOCs&Cable       I

        Carter Cornick

Elton Gallegly (R-CA)   5811    1100    948     Movies                  I

        Richard Mereu

Robert Scott (D-VA)     8351    8354    0                               I

        Dana Lewis

Howard Berman (D-CA)    4695    5279    0                               I

        Bari Scwartz

Martin Hoke (R-OH)      5871    0994    0                               I


I       Development of Comptitive Telecommunications Markets
(contains Cox/Wyden)

II      Cable Communications Competitiveness

III     Broadcast Communications Competitiveness

IV      Effect on Other Laws (contains the Exon Amendment and the
Exon-like indecency amendments to the federal obscenity statute)

V       Definitions

VI      Small Busness Complaint Procedure

*       Industry contribution amounts include only money that has gone
to PACs.  Individual donations from industry are not accounted
for here but can amount to more than PAC contributions.

This information is compiled from the ACLU Cyber-Liberties
Update, 10/25/95 (Title assignments), Center for Responsive
Politics, 10/22/95 (PAC contributions), and Washington Telecom
Week, 10/20/95 (Legislative staffs)

 Posted by Andrew Oram  - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)
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