Dear Cyber Rights, As a follow-up to my posting ("Re: "*hot* Internet issues"), I sent the following message to the cyber-rights co-leader group: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hi guys, I'm very concerned about the current status of the cyber-rights effort. First, let me say I know everyone of you is sincere, is working hard, is getting very little appreciation, and is making contributions in different ways. But as I look at the current state of affairs as objectively as I can, I see some serious fundamental problems... The list has become mainly a clipping service, with a trickle of comments back from readers, and no developing threads of any consequence. The co-leaders list, which was set up as a coordination channel to facilitate the effectiveness of the list, seems to be turning into a list in its own right, with debate of arcane issues, lots of forwards that belong on a bigger list if they belong anywhere, and almost no attention to its mission. The original purpose of cyber-rights was to be a Campaign -- to build a constituency both on and off the net that understands the democracy-aspect of the cyberspace future, and could then support a demand for traditional civil liberties and rights in that new domain. We failed to build such a constituency -- as did everyone else -- and we are now backed into the corner of appealing to the courts to uphold a bare minimum of free speech, a mere fragment of the broader rights that have concerned us on the list. Meanwhile, as far as constituencies are concerned, the main event has been the Time CyberPorn article and the mobilization of the CC -- the only observable "grassroots movements" (off net) seem to be in the enemy camp. Now finally there are the stirrings of unrest out in the real world, and the conditions for constituency-building seem to be at hand. With the ACLU suit, we see all kinds of credible groups joining in, and that's very encouraging. Similarly, we see new groups and alliances taking a position on the economic ramifications of the Deform Bill, and I've proposed that as a focus for some effective campaigning by cyber-rights. Just as the publication of the Magna Carta helped spark cyber-rights in the first place, the passage of the Deform Bill seems to have sparked the very constituency we've been seeking. Sometimes enemy actions are what a movement needs, unfortuantely. I encourage you take these concerns seriously, and I ask you as co-leaders if you are willing to take some time to discuss a strategy for the list in this time of crisis -- a time of both both danger and opportunity. If we identify a workable agenda, we can find support -- build it and they will come. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ There were three responses to the "re: *hot* issues" posting, all positive, from Jason Wehling, David Heck, and "Off the Edge" (whoever that might be). I found the small number of responses discouraging, but was encouraged that no opposition was expressed on the list. As a point of history, the cyber-rights list was set up explicitly to be an effective campaign -- and the original membership had a clear consensus that we did _not_ want "yet another" discussion list. Cyber Rights then became a "Working Group" of CPSR -- not a "Discussion Group". We've obviously drifted from our mission, and fallen into the trap of doing what is easiest, instead of what is needed. Perhaps you, as a group, are happy with how cyber-rights has evolved -- perhaps the original mission has become irrelevant and non-binding. If so, I'd like to know that, and I'll seek other avenenues to pursue the coalitions that seem to be where the real cyber rights opportunties are today. But I hope that's not the case, and I urge those of you who are more than lurkers to send in your thoughts. You don't need to offer any earth-shaking proposals, simply express your views on whether or not cyber-rights should seek to re-dedicate itself to its original mission. And if a rededicated list is something you could make a more substantial contribution to, I'd like to know that as well. In Solidarity, Richard