@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 From: Vigdor Schreibman - FINS <•••@••.•••> Subject: Dole Statement on Spectrum To: Multiple recipients of list CYBER-SOC <•••@••.•••> Transcript ~~~~~~~~~~ STATEMENT OF SENATOR ROBERT DOLE ON THE BROADCAST SPECTRUM AS A NATIONAL RESOURCE Cong Rec S135 (daily ed. Jan 10, 1995) Mr. Dole. Mr. President, balancing the budget is all about sacrifice. To paraphrase Webster's Dictionary, that means surrendering things we prize for a higher purpose. Sacrifice is also about fairness. We call this share, and share alike. It makes no sense to me then that Congress would create a giant corporate welfare program when we are reforming welfare for those trapped in a failed system. But, that is exactly what wold happen if we pass telecommunications reform in it current form. No doubt about it, balancing the budget the passing telecommunications reform will ensure America's place as the world's undisputed economic leader. They are both bills that look to the future, not to the past. TELECOM GIVE-AWAY With that said, however, I question whether telecommunications reform is worth the television broadcaster's asking price. The telecommunications conference report gives spectrum, or air waves, to telecommunications broadcasters that the Congressional Budget Office has valued at $12.5 billion. Many say that figure is low, including the Federal Communications Commission which believes it is worth almost $40 billion. That is $40 billion with a "B." Other estimates run even higher, up to $70 billion and beyond. The bottom line is that spectrum is just as much a national resource as our National forests, That means it belongs to every American equally. No more, no less. If someone wants to use our resources, then we should be fairly compensated. The broadcasters say they need this extra spectrum to preserve so-called free, over-the-air broadcast and are just borrowing the spectrum and will eventually give it back. The problem is the telecom conference report is vague and there is no guarantee that America will ever get this valuable resource back. Even if a guarantee can be secured, the report language still would not fairly compensate taxpayers for lending this resource to the broadcasters. From a technical standpoint, when the broadcasters transition from an analog to the more efficient digital signal, they can pump out several new TV stations. In short, broadcasters will trade their existing one station for as many as five stations. I am told the FCC believes the number can reach as high as 12 stations. Interestingly enough, the broadcasters secured language in the telecom bill that would exempt them from paying fees for any of these new broadcast stations so long as they are supported by advertising dollars. Let me get this straight. America lends the broadcasters a national resource so they can increase their profit margin, but they do not think it fair to pay rent. Mr. President, at a time when we are asking all Americans to sacrifice and we are all trying to balance the budget--I just heard the chairman of the Budget Committee speak Senator DOMENICI: the American people want us to balance the budget--it does not make any sense to give away billions of dollars to corporate interests and succumb to their intense media lobbying effort. COST TO CONSUMERS This policy will also cost consumers billions of their own dollars. Federally mandating a transition to digital broadcast will ultimately render all television sets in the country obsolete. Consumers will be forced to either buy new television sets or convertor boxes to receive fees, over-the-air broadcasts. The impact will be dramatic. There are 222 million television sets in the country. The average digital television set's estimated cost is $850, while the less expensive convertor box will cost about $100. Replacing every television set with a digital one would cost $189 billion. Using the less expenses convertor box would cost $22 billion. No doubt about it, consumers won't be happy that Congress made this choice for them. CONCLUSION Mr. President, in closing, I wish to inform the Senate that while I want to work with those who put together, I think a good telecommunications bill in many respects, I know there are some Members in the House who have some reservations about parts of it. I do think we should resolve this spectrum issue before the bill is considered. It is going to be very difficult, when we are looking at Medicaid, looking at Medicare, looking at farm programs, looking at welfare, all trying to save money here and money there, that we would at the same time say, oh, that is OK because there are big media interests, we will give it away, whether there is $12.5 or $40 billion, whatever it may be. The telecommunications conference committee is still open, so we still have the opportunity to appropriately address this spectrum issue. I hope that we will. I wold like to see it resolved before we bring this bill up. I know chairman Senator PRESSLER, has done an outstanding job. It is a very difficult task. The Presiding Officer is a member of that committee. It is a very important bill, probably the most important bill we will consider this year in 1996. But let us, for the sake of taxpayers and for the sake of the American consumers, fix this one corporate welfare provision before we ask Members to vote for it. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland Cyber-Rights: http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/nii/cyber-rights/ CyberLib: http://www.internet-eireann.ie/cyberlib Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~