cr> Pointers from moderator


A very comprehensive list of efforts to censor the Internet in
countries around the world appears at:

(You have to scroll down quite a way to get to the Internet part.)

A seminar will be held at MIT in Cambridge, Mass. on "Converging
Networks: Business and the Telecommunications Act of 1996."  It is
aimed both at businesses and at the public sector.  It would be great
if somebody on this list could attend and report back to us.  Let me
know if you want to see the announcement.

Also email me if you want a notice from a group called "Access for
All," which is meeting in New York to discuss the implications of the
Telecommunications Act on Monday, April 8.


 Posted by Andrew Oram  - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)
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