An Invitation to CPSR Members, CPSR members are invited to subscribe to a newly-created action list for the Cyber-Rights National Working Group. Interested members should send an email message to Deputy Director Susan Evoy, •••@••.•••, indicating you wish to subscribe to: •••@••.•••. Susan will add you to the list after confirming that your membership is current. CPSR National Working Groups, such as Cyber-Rights, serve a dual function: as pubic discussion forums and small-group action forums. The current mailing list, •••@••.•••, serves as the public forum for discussion of cyber-rights issues by members and non-members alike. A smaller action list is now being established as a forum for CPSR members to develop positions, research new issue areas and develop strategies for action. Nothing is expected to change on the public discussion list. The new action list is intended to help fulfill the second part of the charter of the Cyber-Rights National Working Group. Members of the new action list are expected to follow cyber-rights issues closely, participate in the discussion, and actively carry out the decisions of the Working Group. Under policies adopted by the CPSR Board of Directors, participation in National Working Groups is limited to CPSR members. Non-members who are interested in participating in National Working Groups are invited to join CPSR. For membership information, send email to •••@••.•••. National Working Groups may publish and issue position statements and press releases, sponsor events and engage in other activities on behalf of the Working Group. Positions or statements issued by a Working Group must be consistent with the positions and policies adopted by CPSR's Board of Directors. CPSR Board Chair Doug Schuler is the Board liaison to the Cyber-Rights Working Group. This discussion list, •••@••.•••, will remain an open forum for members and non-membhers interested in discussing cyber-rights issues. Members and non-members who have questions or concerns are welcome to contact me directly at: •••@••.•••. -- Audrie Krause CPSR Executive Director PO Box 717 * Palo Alto, CA * 94302 Phone: (415) 322-3778 * Fax: (415) 322-4748 * * E-mail: •••@••.••• * * * Web Page: * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) Cyber-Rights: CyberJournal: (WWW or FTP) --> Materials may be reposted in their _entirety_ for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~