Sender: Andrew Clement <•••@••.•••> (Note from moderator: because this announcement is long, I have reproduced just the first 2 points. Please email me for the rest.--Andy Oram) THE ALLIANCE FOR A CONNECTED CANADA November 28, 1995 CALL FOR ACTION IN DEFENSE OF BASIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FOR ALL CANADIANS PLEASE REPRODUCE THIS DOCUMENT IN ANY RELEVANT FORUMS REDISTRIBUTE ONLY UNTIL January 15, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS: 1. Why we need to act now 2. Options for action 3. Form letter to register for hearings (must be submitted by Jan.15) 4. Information on the need to define basic communications services 5. The Alliance for a Connected Canada 6. Web site and listserver information 7. CRTC news release re: hearings on affordable local telephone service 8. CRTC Telecom Public Notice 95-49 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WHY WE NEED TO ACT NOW Recent CRTC decisions are rapidly changing the face of telecommunications in Canada. The cost of local service will be increased by $4.00 per month. Various applications for "unbundling" (a process by which all services currently available for the flat monthly rate are charged as separate items), applications for local measured service (time and distance charges) and differential rated for rural and urban areas are all currently under review by the Commission. Recognizing the danger that this poses to affordable service for all Canadians, an alliance has been formed of concerned citizens whose role it will be to advocate on behalf of affordable and universal communications services for all Canadians and to inform and encourage all citizens to speak up on their own behalf in this fundamentally important issue. The CRTC has announced its intentions to hold hearings on affordable local telephone service options. Information and options for action are presented below. A listserver and web site have been established to enable all interested parties to participate in discussions and seek further information for developing their positions. Canadians, due to their commitment to universal service, have enjoyed the least expensive, most accessible telephone service in the world. Maintaining that position will require many and strong voices at this critical time. We urge you to make your position known. The Alliance for a Connected Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. OPTIONS FOR ACTION a) Send written comments to the CRTC by April 15. This would be a statement of relevant concerns and/or a letter of support for a position being advocated by others. b) Register to make an oral argument in a regional hearing (to be held Feb-Mar, locations to be announced). This must be requested in a letter to the CRTC by Jan 15. (see form letter below). This would mean a 15-20 min. presentation with questions coming from the CRTC. It requires a bit more preparation than option (a). c) Register as a party for the full hearing to be held in Hull starting April 15, 1996. You must write to the CRTC to be included as a party by Dec. 15, 1995. This is a major work option and requires expertise. It requires research, submission of detailed evidence, interrogatories, oral hearing, and final arguments. ~snip~ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages for non-commercial use, pursuant to any redistribution restrictions included in individual messages. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~