Sender: •••@••.••• (El Tiburon) From the Internet Users Consortium In the latest move in our government's on-going effort to oulaw strong encryption technology, FBI director, Louis Freeh, has hinted broadly that if the general public does not 'voluntarily' accept some sort of public-key encryption, then the FBI might be forced to pursue 'other options'. In plain english, the FBI would force an encryption plan upon us that the government would have access to. This is a typical response to any disagreement between the public and the government. They disguise their true intentions by covering them with the blanket of "public safety". When we don't buy the swampland they are selling, they threaten us with 'other alternatives' that would make a dictator blush. That is not democracy nor is it the will of the people. Their strong-arm tactics blaspheme the very Constitution they 'swore to uphold'. But then again, we don't elect the FBI Fraternity. They are there for as long as they uphold the solidarity of their FBI brotherhood and forsake any obstacles which come between them and their FBI objectives. Any Obstacles. Trivialities such as Rights, Liberty, Privacy, and the US Constitution are sometimes perceived by our FBI as Obstacles. This is a dangerous option for the government to pursue. They have no right to intrude here. Legal or not, it is a violation of the very contract our founding fathers made with the PEOPLE over 200 years ago. Just because they want the ability to invade our privacy doesn't mean that we should let them. The Bureau's position on key-escrow encryption defies logical analysis. Anyone w/ an I.Q. higher than the temperature knows that neither terrorists, nor pedophiles, nor revolutionaries, nor Mafia will use key-escrow encryption, since the government holds the back-door to such encrypted communications. This is almost too obvious to mention. However, in several press conferences, Mr. Freeh has responded w/ inanities such as, "You just don't understand the criminal element. They're not very smart." The FBI is quite aware that none of the aforementioned groups will ever use government encryption. Key-escrow encryption is/was/always will be about Domestic Surveillance, a nasty virus these guys all caught from the Hoover's FBI. What's Domestic Surveillance? It means that we won't have any privacy anymore. But not to worry. We'll be safe. The FBI will protect us. But in reality, the FBI will protect itself. They'll protect their positions of power and influence. What better way to obtain more power and influence than to hold the keys to all communications, public and private? ___________________________M____________________________ Internet Users Consortium 7031 E. Camelback Ste 102-515 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 The only way to be heard, is by making a little noise. Put the IUC URL on your homepage. <A HREF="">Internet Users Consortium HomePage</A><BR> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages and online materials for non-commercial use, pursuant to any copyright & redistribution restrictions included in individual messages. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~