cr> Modem tax returns (revisited)

1996-03-06 Craig A. Johnson This message was sent to me by Brock. It illuminates some of the issues he has uncovered tracking this story. The situation seems to be rapidly developing, and anyone who wants to protect reasonable Net access rates ought to start getting on the stick and thinking about this. –caj @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: … Read more…

cr> Backlash: ACTA petitions FCC on internet telephony

1996-03-06 Craig A. Johnson Well, we knew this was coming. I think it lends more urgency ideas such as Brock Meeks’ concept of a cyber users’ group. It is my understanding that some in the FCC are bound and determined to regulate the Internet. But they will have to put out a Notice of Inquiry … Read more…

cr> EFF on Leahy/Burns/Murray Crypto Bill

1996-03-05 Craig A. Johnson New “Encrypted Communications Privacy Act” – Enabling Electronic Envelopes ========================================================================== FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION +1 415 436 9333 •••@••.••• March 5, 1996 The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is encouraged to see Congressional support for lifting restrictions on encryption and affirming privacy rights for U.S. citizens. The bill introduced … Read more…

Re: cr> re: virus alert

1996-03-05 Sender: •••@••.••• In a message dated 96-03-04 16:18:50 EST, you write: >This is amazing. in ten+ years of computing I’ve been hit only once by a >virus. And it was this one. ~-~snip I was getting hit alot by virus too…but my solution is Norton Antivirus…It has a Auto Protect mode that is constantly … Read more…

cr> Re: pornography, violence, marijuana and monkeys

1996-03-05 Sender: •••@••.••• (Glen Raphael) Here’s a web reference to studies of the connection between pornography and violence. There’s food for thought for both sides of the debate here: And here’s a web reference to a Marijuana Myths page which describes some of the stories regarding alleged harm done by marijuna use and how … Read more…

cr> Encryption, etc.

1996-03-05 Pointers from moderator: A group of U.S. Senators have introduce a bill designed to loosen the restrictions on exporting encryption. This bill would make it easier for computer and networking software to include encryption–but there are compromises with the Clipper chip plan and other concessions. If you’d like to see newsletters from EFF, VTW, … Read more…

cr> local competition lowers costs

1996-03-05 Sender: •••@••.••• (Glen Raphael) This is a response to Dave Ketchum and others who are wondering why some consumer advocates want open competition between local service providers of cable, telephone and such. >It is beyond me how competition fits into the local loop. […] >How do competing companies […] do all this >more economically … Read more…

cr> Who’s the moderator?

1996-03-05 Andy Oram Since I have just returned to moderating this mailing list, it’s a good time to tell you about why I am doing the work and what my own view of the issues is. If you are just interested in the facts and don’t care about personalities, go ahead and hit your delete … Read more…

cr> a warm welcome to Andy

1996-03-05 Richard Moore Dear c-r, Andy has now taken back over as moderator, and I’d like to say I’ve enjoyed handling the job while he’s been recovering. These have been an action-packed few months, and c-r has been very much in the front trenches, as perhaps the best comprehensive online forum of cyber issues. The … Read more…

cr> CIA & NSA run remailers (fwd)

1996-03-04 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To: •••@••.••• From: Anonymous Remail Service <•••@••.•••> I attended last weeks “Information, National Policies, and International Infrastructure” Symposium at Harvard Law School, organized by the Global Information Infrastructure Commission, the Kennedy School and the Institute for Information Technology Law & Policy of Harvard Law School. During the presentation by Paul Strassmann, … Read more…