Re: PFF Agenda [cr-95/9/4]

1995-09-22 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kurt Guntheroth) There are people on this list who are so afraid that a monopoly might dominate cyberspace that they are unwilling even to consider market pricing of content or service. I don’t know what these people propose instead, or even if they have a plan. If their plan involves running into … Read more…

Unauthorized Access Of A Computer [cr-95/9/22]

1995-09-22 Pointer from moderator: The following posting is long, so I have cut the major background material (the part titled “The Jesse Hirsh Case”). However, the whole document is on our ftp site in the Net-Suppression directory under the name Anarchives-on-Arrest. I encourage you to read it because it says a lot about the rights … Read more…

Is the net a necessity of life? Really??? [cr-95/9/22]

1995-09-22 Sender: •••@••.••• (Glen Raphael) My fellow SMUG member Clint Craft (•••@••.•••) writes: >The >perceived value of unfettered competition is the lowest possible price >point for the “consumer.” Yes. And also the highest possible level of service. The cheaper and better access gets, the easier it will be for the people who need it to … Read more…

Communications Workers of America campaign [cr-95/9/22]

1995-09-22 Pointer from moderator: A criticism of the Bell Atlantic phone company has been circulating on the Net, put out by the Communications Workers of America (the union of phone workers). While the posting concerns mostly working conditions and compensation, it does make some comments relevant to the building of the information infrastructure and the … Read more…

rkm re: media conglomerates [cr-95/9/21]

1995-09-22 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ At 8:04 AM 9/21/95, •••@••.••• (Allan Bradley) wrote: >Why [are there] no >objective working models of new technology infrastructure distribution >allocations? When something as important as the way we will function as a >society is at stake, why aren’t there any models? Believe me, there are models. But they’re proprietary to … Read more…

Re: PFF Agenda [cr-95/9/4]

1995-09-21 Sender: Vigdor Schreibman – FINS <•••@••.•••> On Tue, 19 Sep 1995, Cyber Rights wrote: > Sender: “Craig A. Johnson” <•••@••.•••> > > On 14 September Kurt Guntheroth wrote: > > > “Free market” capitalism has the same advantage as the internet; distributed > > control. Nobody makes central decisions about load or content on … Read more…

Re: Political participation for whom? [cr-95/9/10]

1995-09-21 Sender: •••@••.••• (Don Porter) On Sep 20, 1995 01:07:46, ‘Cyber Rights <•••@••.•••>’ wrote: >The point of this (rather long, sorry) explanation is that when we talk about >access in this context, we must remember that access must explicitly refer to >what *kind* of access, not just how to ensure that many people have access. … Read more…

Communications Distribution Rights [cr-95/9/21]

1995-09-21 Sender: •••@••.••• (Allan Bradley) My name is Allan Bradley I am the Principal in a technology consulting firm called ConsulMetrix, Inc. or CMI. For the last two (2) years we have been establishing an innovative firm dedicated to the modeling of advanced information architectures. Through this process we have also come up with a … Read more…

Deregulation increases costs? [cr-95/9/21]

1995-09-21 Sender: •••@••.••• (Richard L. Emery) > With regard to the idea that deregulation and competition in the telecom > business will be a boon to consumers, I’d like to point out a tiny bit in > the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat (owned by the NYT) today. Both Pacific > Bell and GTE have filed for … Read more…

Re: PFF Agenda [cr-95/9/4]

1995-09-20 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kurt Guntheroth) Subject: re: capitalism and the internet >Sender: •••@••.•••, Connie Page >I have always been suspicious of capitalism because it is fueled by >greed This is a common misconception about capitalism. A buyer and a seller enter into commerce because it makes both better off than they would be without trade. … Read more…