Re: Child Porn Mongers Busted…


Sender: •••@••.••• (Sandra Bernstein)

Not just computer-generated.  We had a case here in Toronto Canada where a
visual artist, Eli Langer, created some paintings and drawings that
portrayed nightmarish images of child abuse. They were displayed in a
reputable alternative gallery.  After a critique in the local paper, the
police seized the paintings and charged him with child pornography, which
carries very heavy penalties here and puts the burden of proof of the
defence of artistic merit on the defendant. They later dropped the charges
against Langer but kept the art on trial, which was lucky for him but
somewhat surreal. The judge ruled that the work had artistic merit and
dismissed the case, also asking for involvement of the courts before police
lay such charges, but didn't state categorically that works of the
imagination (without models) are exempt. Langer's appealing the
constitutional issues to the Supreme Court of Canada.  Accounts of the case
are available on line (The Globe and Mail) and Infomart (Toronto Star) by
searching on Eli Langer. He's a young artist and any hits would have to do
with this case.

There was also a case in Ontario where a guy scanned pictures of kids from
innocuous dept. store catalogues and digitally altered them to add prominent
genitals etc. He was charged and convicted. EFC has stuff on line at

It's an interesting question.
Sandra Bernstein

>Sender: •••@••.••• (David S. Bennahum)
>The point is simple: we can now create child porn whithout children.  All
>child porn laws are predicated on the assumption that abuse occured at one
>point: a child was forced to pose for the image.  In a completely
>artificial image, no child is used, totally undermining existing laws.
>This raises the basic issue: are sexually explicit images of children going
>to be illegal even when no child is used to make the image?  If so, what
>are the "slippery slope" implications for other kinds of totally
>computer-rendered imagery?
>Suggestions on where to go with this, esp. artists creating these images?

Sandra Bernstein

 Posted by --  Andrew Oram  --  •••@••.••• --  Cambridge, Mass., USA
                 Moderator:  CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR)

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