Re: “Christian Right” (viewpoint) [cr-951231]


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995
Sender: Mark McFadden <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: R. Smith on "Christian Right" (viewpoint) [cr-951231]

Robert Smith wrote:
>THose dirty hypocrites.
> Frankly I am concerned with the
>"religious right" 's concern over the internet, it's not as if they are smart
>enough to boot up a mac, much less snoop in my non-encrypted e-mail (I don't
>make it a habit of giving my SS# or Credit Card Numbers, or other sensitive
>personal information out over the Internet).

This is interesting. I myself, have booted this computer and I consider
myself to be part of the so-called "religious right."

My theological views are fundamental. However, I defend the right for all
people to express their beliefs, regardless of its content. I know many
others who hold the same view.

In my view, this is an example of the lack of a balanced approach in the
fight to defend our precious First Admendment freedoms. Perhaps we should
consider the method of including those "narrow and ignorant" people by
presenting this issue as it really is, a fight for the free speech rights of
everyone. If everyone can not have the freedom to express themselves then it
is a matter of time before no one possesses this unalienable right.

Mark McFadden


It's all too easy for us citizens to divide into enemy camps, and then be
played off against one another in legislative rhetoric.  Mark reminds us to
look for ways to find solidarity.  It someone's ignorance is our enemy,
then contact and education may be our weapon rather than opposition or


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995
Subject: Re: R. Smith on "Christian Right" (viewpoint) [cr-951231]

A small point in Smith's excellent piece--

It was Oral Roberts who had an apparition of a 700 foot Jesus, not Jerry "I
know the mind of the moral majority" Fallwell.

Bruce Hartung

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995
Sender: David Cloutman <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: R. Smith on "Christian Right" (viewpoint) [cr-951231]

R Smith wrote:
>Frankly I am concerned with the
> "religious right" 's concern over the internet, it's not as if they are smart
> enough to boot up a mac, much less snoop in my non-encrypted e-mail (I don't

Despite a generous amount of wit in your rhetoric, the assertion that the
Christian Right is somehow composed solely of computer illiterates
ludicrous. Although their belief system may still be in the 19th century, they
aren't still using horses and steam engines and punch cards. In fact, I know of
professional computer programmers who have a definite theocratic bent in
their political agendas. Hypocricy does not equate to stupidity.

Never underestimate your opponent.

    |"The great danger... in believing yourself      |                    |
    | especially chosen is that it becomes easy to   |   David Cloutman   |
    | view those who are not your people as God's    |--------------------|
    | especially unchosen" -Bishop John Shelby Spong |  •••@••.•••  |
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 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
 Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use.