Pointer from moderator: A mailing list for teachers and students in Texas is currently discussing some cyber-rights issues. They are promoting the use of the Internet in Texas schools and have to deal with cyberporn scares in the media. If you are interested in joining this list, called armadillo-watch, send a message to •••@••.••• with no subject line, and put the following in the body: sub dillo "your firsname" "your lastname" Thanks to Don Bass <•••@••.•••> for informing me of the discussion, as well as telling the armadillo list that we are dealing with some of their issues on cyber-rights, and to Donald Perkins <•••@••.•••> of Armadillo's World Wide Web Server for the following summary of armadillo-watch. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Armadillo-watch has been created to provide teachers and students of Texas Studies an opportunity to oversee and comment upon the development of Armadillo, The Texas Studies Gopher. Armadillo is an Internet gopher server designed to provide instructional resources and information about Texas natural and cultural history and the Texas environment. Armadillo has been created to support teachers and students who are interested in enriching their instruction and study with multimedia material and Internet resources. Armadillo will also pull into one easily accessible location many of the pertinant resources that are scattered about the Internet. We believe that Armadillo will act as a convenient launching pad into the Internet and will foster communication between parents, scholars, teachers, and students across Texas and the worldwide educational community. Armadillo facilitates an interdisciplinary course of study with a rich subject, Texas. Our teachers and students are interested in sharing their interpretation and understanding of their own cultural and natural environments with students who have a different cultural and natural environment. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this discussion of Internet Resoucrces we drift across many topics including appropriate and inappropriate reosurces and how to proceed with using the Internet even though there might be a bit of inappropriate material out there. We've also developed a good page of resources on Appropriate Use at http://www.rice.edu/armadillo/acceptable.html ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Andrew Oram - •••@••.••• - Moderator: CYBER-RIGHTS (CPSR) You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages for non-commercial use, pursuant to any redistribution restrictions included in individual messages. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~